The fish that got away

P82951141 – Lost

Originally uploaded by HelenJr.

…the fish that got away was the biggest
…the dream you can’t quite remember was the sweetest
…the opportunity missed would have changed your future
….the picture lost was the best you’ll ever take.

Last Sunday, I somehow lost 165 of the best pictures I’ll ever take. One moment, they were safely sitting on that little magic card in my camera. Next minute, my computer beeped and refused to read them. Gone, gone, gone. So disappointing.

I’m not sure how this experience will affect me. Perhaps I will chase the memory of those shots, desparately trying to recreate what I have lost. But, I hope I will have learned that memories can still be sweet without the affirmtion of a photo. And that the real joy of photography is in siezing the new opportunity rather than dwelling on the last.

Carpe Diem, I think.